Gartner in the orignial German means Gardener. Like Adam and Eve were gardeners, or so I read in a book. I was shocked to see my name in the German translation of a book on castles that I bought in Germany. It said since the time of the original Gardeners (Gärtner)..... My father was a rancher/Farmer and could put in a backyard garden in his sleep. My sister C has carried on that tradition and loves to do the whole vegetable garden. My other sister S likes to do the flower garden thing and I do pot gardening. Not
that kind of pot, more like container gardening. I've got some herbs going now...basil, thyme, orageno and chocolate pepermint. I'm not doing an "organic" herbal garden per se, but I'm trying not to mix in the snail killing stuff along with the soil. I'd love to invent a ring you fill will beer so it can be all organic and the snails die a happy death, but even with all the time in the world that I have now, I don't have the time.
The one thing that I really like about pot gardening in my backyard is the automatic sprinklers we have that keep the roses and the hydrangias and other plants (and weeds) going. I thought it would be enough water to keep my little ones well nourished with water and I could just let them be on their own and flurish. Boy, was I wrong. I just came in from watering them because they were quite parched and then moving them to the side of the house with the hydrangias, because they just aren't getting enough water...plus it's been very hot the past few days. So, low hydration and heat make some really crispy herb leaves. I want to grow bushy plants before I start gathering them in.
So, hopefully, given time, my pots will be just as spactacular as C's veggies and S's flowers, because we are all Gardeners in our own way. Mine is just a little more self contained, clean nail and callous free.