Maybe it's the clothes, maybe it's the jewelry, maybe it's the utterly British stiff-upper-lip that allows the nose to rest so completely high in the air when it comes to the rest of us, I don't know. I just know I can't get enough of it. And strangely enough, they had one character come back from the dead, with amnesia, but so severely burned they couldn't be sure it was him. So completely All My Children. The utter blackness of the souls in the kitchen (Thomas and Mrs. O'Brien), the kindness and love between Anna and Mr. Bates, the absolute rightness of Mr. Carson are all such well fleshed out characters that I don't really see it as a show, but more as a window back to the days of Downton Abbey.
What got me hooked was the first episode I watched when Lady Sybil gives birth and dies. I couldn't get the people straight at that time, so I knew I had to start from the beginning because by that time Lady Mary was married to Matthew, Lady Edith was married to some other guy (but not the one armed old codger she was going to marry in the beginning of Season 3), Thomas was making passes at a poor footman that isn't on the show yet, and SYBIL DIES. How can you kill off one of the family. Maybe a beloved staff member but a member of the family......that's what hooked me. No one was safe.
Having that peak ahead I knew Lady Crawly wasn't going to die of Spanish Flu, I knew Lady Sybil would be running off with the chauffeur, and that Lady Mary and Matthew would get married and be happily married. My mistake was yesterday when I thought I'd find out when Season 4 would be coming out, because, trust me, 8 episodes a year aren't nearly enough of a season for my rabid curiosity as to what's going to happen next......
If like me you're still working through Season 3, beware....
MATTHEW DIES! There is some small talk about making the widower and widow coming to terms with their losses in each others arms, but then what about the babies? Yes, Sybil has a girl and apparently Mary has a boy, are they going to become brother and sister instead of cousins? And will Lady Mary inherit the estate or does it all go to her baby boy?
I've been working at finding ways to take my mind off my current troubles (hence the reason of my silence...too much yeast not enough bowl, if you know what I mean), that I might set up a crafting station in my small garage and I'm going to start trying to reproduce the jewelry that they wear. I'm sure there are hoards of people doing that, so it's hardly original, but it should be fun. They wear a lot of black crystal and jet stones, I could probably throw in some black pearls, onyx and hematite too. My current addition is soap making and bath and body products from natural products. I've made some salt scrub that smell like heaven, if heaven was made of English Roses. But the jewelry should provide a good long focus instead of just adding things willy-nilly like I do with the other stuff.
If you know when Season 4 is going to be released, please let me know. I want to make sure I'm home or my DVR is set to record. I've been told I need to watch Sherlock Holmes as well, so I guess I can fill the blank space with that until BBC releases it.