Okay, on some level, I know I'm not sick. At least I hope I'm not. I'm just tired and the idea that I would have to stay in bed for a few days and just sit still in the silence and shaded light sounds like heaven. No offence to those suffering from West Nile, reading about it today makes it sounds almost unbearable (for those that survive) and it takes quite a long time to get over and I wouldn't wish that on myself or anyone else, but the silence...the bed rest....the darkness....to me in my wound-up state sounds like a slice of heaven.
So, was I bit by blood-sucking vermin, yes at least six times. Was it one carrying the West Nile Virus? Who knows. The only thing I do know is that if I don't start perking up I'm going to see my doctor to make sure I don't and maybe talk her into a B-12 shot. I joke, but no one wants their spinal cord or brain to swell up and become irritated.....that would be like having an itch on your brain that no matter how far you push in the knitting needle, you can't scratch it.
Okay, I'm done whining now. I just needed to get this down and out so I could sleep without visions of hospital food dancing in my head.