I know, I took a loooooooong break. I was hoping to get back into the fray when Trump won the RNC vote as their candidate. There are so many things that could be said, jokes that could be shared, but we all should agree that hands down he is the most vile person ever to inhabit the oval office. I don't care if you are a #dumptrump or a #makeamericagreatagain, nothing is going to change the fact that he is a vile, misogynistic, self-important, arrogant, lying, deluded human being. (If you think it's okay for men to grab women and kiss them against their will, or grab their private parts, please, by all means send your beautiful daughters and sisters to meet him and see if your mind changes when he violates them.) The bright side of Trumps reign is we have learned no Presidential legacy is indelible, meaning the day after our next president takes office everything wrong he's done can be struck out with a signature. Everything that favors the 1% will be struck down. How do I know that? It is the only way anyone is going to be elected. By the time he is done raping the middle class the middle class will rise up and we will either have an all democratic house and senate or we will have moderates that are willing TO WORK TOGETHER LIKE GROWNUPS.
The next three years of the megalomaniac in chief isn't going to be easy for anyone in the 99%. Like I said, I don't like him as a person, he is not someone I would even cross the room to meet. I would help him if he were bleeding or needed help crossing the street because that's who I am. If he touched me inappropriately I would break his arm, but I would help him. What realty irks me is there is really nothing I, personally, can do about him. We as a country need to require him shovel his manure off our streets and start doing the work he has promised, at least to the people that voted for him. Being in California and in the sites of his anti-democrat revenge schemes I really know I personally don't have a lot of power to make any changes on the national level.....that doesn't make me powerless.
I've adopted the adage "Humanity is my race and love is my religion". I am Christian, and in some opinions, overly so. And like every Christian it is required of me to love my fellow human beings (yes that includes Trump) and I have a sacred responsibility to help them when I can. People are going to be hurting these next three years because of the cost of government will be redirected away from the 1% so the burden will be on the rest of us. If you can help someone eat, feed them. If you see someone cold give them warmth. If YOU are hungry or cold reach out to someone. Service is a two way street...both to serve and to provide the opportunity for service.
I challenge you to stop wasting time complaining or joking about the president to find a way to solve the problem....either join a protest, a letter writing campaign (like Amnesty International), work with the candidates you feel have the chance to topple this house of cards and put the government back where it belongs....in the hands of the duly elected officials chosen by the people, for the people.