07 August 2013

It's a Conspiracy!

First let me state, I'm not paranoid.  I don't believe the government is monitoring my calls, reading my e-mail and following me around.  Maybe you if you lead a less than honorable life, but not me.  (I'm not going into the constitutionality of it, that's a whole different rant).  I'm talking about my Smart phone and the weight equipment at my gym.  Yes, I said gym.  Those of you who know me well, know that is equivalent to a swear word to most of the civilized world.  I joined Total Woman Gym & Spa and I joined both, the gym and the spa (And I'm proud to say I've used the gym now more than the spa...just for the record).

They have this equipment there from a company called Peva through Precor that has an App.  Yes, I said app.  I'm turning Apple savvy.  Anyway, you scan the QR code on the machine it tells you based on your age, your weight and your work out history how much weight and how many reps and then you can do the set of reps as many time as you want.  So, I did leg presses.  It said 100# and 12 reps.  So I did 100# and 12 reps....twice.  I felt okay, pushed a little, the muscles weren't worse for the wear, but they were cranky at me......That was Saturday. 

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and today I have been in pain.  Not just oww-I-tore-too-many-fibers-in-my-long-muscles pain but my back feels like it's going to snap at the base and my left hip (which I broke a few decades ago when I was just a wee lass) feels like it's half out of the socket.  I touch the outside of it and it hurts.  So, I'm taking something called "Pain Away" which worked great yesterday but I'm on my second dose now.  I'm a big baby when it comes to hip pain, it brings back the memories of believing I'd never walk again without pain. 

So, how is this a conspiracy......Where to begin.....

- My 'Smartphone' is supposed to be smart, it shouldn't have let me do something so dumb.
- The weigh machine is out to get me because I think I weigh more than it and so it wants me to stay away.

If this keeps happening I'll have to just use the spa services.  Dang!  I hate conspiracies.

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