13 August 2011

Avoiding Narcissus' Fate

Narcissus was a beautiful Greek of mythology who was led to a pond of clear cool water to get a look at himself by Nemesis.  He fell in love with his image and couldn't be bothered to leave it and he died.  When I looked closer into the myth I found Narcissus' name was synonymous with the words sleep or numbness.  Is that my problem?  No, I'm no beauty, nothing on Narcissus' level, but I seem to have fallen head-first into a pool of tears and have become half asleep and numb.  Too dramatic?  Possibly.

Depression isn't about self-love, it's more being completely consumed by self-loathing.  One becomes so obsessed with ones problem/situation/failures or whatever ones psychological nemesis has lured one with, and one can't pull away from the pool of tears one sees oneself in. 

I'm reading back over my words and I'm excited by what I'm saying.  Normally I let my brain have a modicum of freedom with my fingers and just let the grey matter do the talking., like the subconscious talks to the conscious.  In the past I've considered depression to be self-inflicted, self-centered, self-indulgent and wrong.  Of course, I was depressed and hated myself when I made those generalizations.  Now, I'm seeing it's not that easy, it's not an excuse to run myself down but a reason to get help.  Though I still feel at time that taking the time to fix myself, to focus in, I'm wasting time and energy.  However,  I am getting the help, equivalent of the nemesis that pushed me towards the negative, to pull myself away from the pool of tears and getting back into the world and not suffer the same fate as Narcissus.

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