17 April 2011

Happy Aniversary.....Again

Looking back over my blogs I found one that dated back to April 8, 2008, it said it had been two long years since I tried to get published. That was three years ago, which means it was five years ago that I began my quest for publication. I'm sorry to say that it has been mostly fruitless because of my lack of trying. Yes, the responses I've gotten so far have been positive 'no's, but they are still nos. I'm trying not to take it personally, but it's like having the ugliest baby in a baby contest. No matter how dog-like your baby, you expect it to win with distinction. So, tomorrow, come hell or high-water I will be finding a publisher and sending off my baby off for judgment. If time is going to fly, I'm going to soar under my own volition!!

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