So, I planned to send my Soul Searching: House of Dragons to Walnut Springs Press yesterday, in honor of my "anniversary". Yea, I know I said I'd do it last week, but the way my chronometer works, then is now, so I'm on schedule. As I was trying to find the newest copy of my novel I realized that leathertreepress.com is where I sent it last June....essentially I already sent it to them, never heard back. Now that we're 'friends' on Facebook, I'll have to poke them and ask them why.
What shocked me the most was how familiar it was to fill out the submissions page for Maple Tree Publishing Company. I'm pretty sure I filled it out once before but abandoned it for some reason or another. Hopefully I'm not being redundant by sending it twice.
I'm wondering though if by sending it to Maple Tree, which is the umbrella publishing arm of four imprints if that means I've met my New Years Resolution of sending House of Dragons off to four different publishers in the year 2011? There's the lazy writer in me that says "Yes!!!" so I don't have to hold my breath for four different "Thanks, but no thanks." or if I just need to pull up my big-girl writing pants and suck-it-up and find another imprint to submit to.
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