15 April 2011

Networking is as Networking Does

I have been toying around with the idea of sticking my electronic hand out there and introducing myself to total strangers to assist in my job search as well as finding in-roads to getting published. I understand the idea of networking, I do, but it's never been a strong suit of mine. Making *friends* of people I've never met seems a little pushy but I'm receiving a welcome far beyond anything that I would have given in return (Says a lot about me, doesn't it). It's not that I'm rude, I try hard not to be, in public anyway, but I've always been more intro rather than extroverted and vain to think that people will want to seek me out instead of the other way around. No one is that good!

So, now I've got more friends on Facebook than I've ever had, I've got leads for associations that I've never known before and people that are willing to help a introverted writer become an extroverted author. I gotta say, than you to all my new friends and a bigger thank you for my friends that have always been there for me. Networking is a good thing.

PS, those in the Bay Area area, I am still looking for work if you know of anyone that needs and admin, office manager, event/tradeshow/project coordinator or a phlebotomist, please let me know. There is a fresh loaf of hame-made bread machine wheat bread in it for you.

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