So, I wrote the query letter for WiDo last week, or it could even be the week before, I forget. My brain has been swimming in it's own miasma lately, so memory is kind of obscured in the fog. I took the approach of answering the points they wanted me to cover. Information about myself and my writing, I gave them the "elevator" pitch for the book, and then my activity in social networking and how I would use it to help them market my work. (Yes, dear reader, you will be updated step-by-important-step of the process when it is accepted for publication. And more than likely you will be the fifth group of people I notify of my glorious news). Each section is headed and then a paragraph or two would be under it for ease of reading. I'd post it here, the query letter, if I thought it would give me an edge, but I think I just need to print it, edit it and then paste it into an e-mail with my first three chapters and send it off. Why is it that something that looks so simple on paper feel like moving a fifty ton boulder up an 180 degree hill?
The funny thing is, it's not like I've had a hundred or so "No's" for this project, it's actually been less than 10. Most people get that done and over with and take on even more before breakfast and don't let something as simple as a little word stop them from their dreams becoming a reality. Maybe that's the true fear for me....my dreams becoming a reality. Not to sound morose or anything, but there is a little hermit inside my head that believes as soon as your accomplish everything you've wanted to accomplish, you die. He's not very popular with the cool kids in my head, hence the hermit status. I won't die, I know that because I am always setting goals, always setting the bar higher and always wanting more, which is just human nature as we all know it. So, Hermit be gone, I'm sending it out on Friday so they can print it up and take it home for the weekend! Wish me luck!
Our fingers are crossed, you are in our prayers and best of luck! WE LOVE YOU!
Mimi, thanks! I just sent it. My stomach has Mothera sized butterflies in it right now. I should be used to it by now.
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