I've lost a ton of weight once, almost 150lbs (I was like 1-3 lbs off) and it caused some bad wiring in my head and I lost myself, if at 22 anyone really has themselves. I have me now, I know who I am, what I want to become and I am firmly facing the direction I want to go. So now, do I want to carry with me just emotional baggage or a steamer trunk of bricks along for the ride? There are cosmetic issues with the different surgeries I will have to deal with along the way if I do it, and I'll have to give up some wonderfully dangerous practices, I'm going to have to learn to eat three meals a day and exercise more than the average bear, okay more than the average sloth, but I'm starting to believe, the more I think and talk and write about it, that it might actually be worth it. (sorry for the run-on sentence, you'd think I'd know better by now.)
Check your messages on your facebook. I sent you one.
I was thinking more about our conversation on Sunday. Along with the surgery, you will have to do a lot of work in dealing with the behavioral triggers faced in combating obesity. Since you are going to have to do the work, regardless of the lap band, it makes more sense to just do the work and forgo the surgery. I also think, your doctor will refer you to lap-band cause he will make money from it. My old nutrition professor deals primarily with this kind of stuff in her practice. Want me to get you her contact info?
Love this! If only every young girl would have your grasp on what kind of beauty really matters.
You truly are beautiful! Don't let anything, not a mirror, not a person, not that store's darn skinny jeans...tell you otherwise.
Thanks Mimi and Cheryl! I appreciate the encouagement and extra information.
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