28 May 2011
Death By Jello
Not a very dignified death if you ask me. But it could have happened! I was eating lime jellow with diced peaches sort of snarfling it in spoonful at a time and then inhaled. And choked. It didn't take much to clear it but during those chilling moments of the oh-no-I'm-choking panic I saw my tombstone: Died from Jello Inhalation. What have I learned from this? Jello can be a lethal weapon.
26 May 2011
Choices Spawning Worlds

Choices can spawn complete different universes. Think about that for a minute. If everyone on the planet made a choice between paper or plastic at the same time that would create 7.2 billion new worlds just on that stupid choice, seems kind of, I dunno, as far fetched as there being a God in Heaven is to the atheists. Again, I'm not saying science is wrong, just showing me numbers that somehow prove what they can't hand to me and prove seems just far fetched. Now, if you want to say major choices, like marriage or no, children or no, gay or straight, believer or heathen, then I could grasp it. I could see a "stupid choice' world could come into being, like the trash can on your desktop where all your stupid choices and irrelevant choices go to live (In fact there are days that make me feel like I'm living there now). I know, logic denotes linear thinking, mine is more spacey-wacy and timey-wimey for science. And I know I'm going to hear it from the atheists and heathens in my family for this opinion, but it's just; that mine and an opinion.
I know the universe is infinite, but so is God. I know we can postulate about universes and traveling at the speed of light to our hearts content. But if you look at it from a purely proof-driven point of view, if we have multi-universes, multi-worlds prove it. Show it to me. Without the proof it is no more than a heartfelt belief, not so different than ones belief in an omnipotent and benevolent Heavenly Father. So, I put a challenge out there to the anti-God scientists out there: Prove it!
17 May 2011
Turning To The Window
There is saying that when a door shuts, God opens a window. I've spent far too much of my life mourning at the door closing and not turning towards the widnow. I've been feeling the walls close in on my tighter and tighter as money evaporates before I get it. Just when I think I'm about to suffocate in the empty room a window opens and a rush of cool, fragrant breeze freshens the room and light tumbles into the dark confines. I am truly blessed, truly loved. I am so grateful for the celestial hands that hold me securely in His care. I need to be more grateful for the the little things, the big things, and the things that I don't even realize are there until I get smacked up side the head to make me realize I am NEVER alone when the door shuts.
15 May 2011
Tomorrow Is Always A Day Away
Little Orphan Annie sings that song in the play. The thing of it is, it's always a day away. It's never the now. I have so many grand plans for the ever elusive tomorrow that I give myself on a pass for today. I'll get up earlier tomorrow. I'll get my room straightened out tomorrow. I'll find a job tomorrow. I'll train Sammy how to poop on command tomorrow. I'll read a book tomorrow. I'll get my laundry done tomorrow. I'll shower tomorrow. I'll take care of my blood sugar tomorrow. I'll be happy tomorrow. I'll be better tomorrow. I won't be tomorrow. Tomorrow always comes in that fleeting nanosecond between tick and tock before the chimes ring in the new day. Then it's today, it's now, it's never. But, there's always tomorrow.
14 May 2011
Angels and Devils and I
If my devils were to leave me,
I am afraid my angels
will take flight as well.
- Rilke
When I say "I" I mean
a thing absolutely unique,
not to be confused
with any other.
- Ugo Betti
01 May 2011
Ding Dong Osama's Dead - A Phliosophical Dichotomy
Okay, first let me say it: I'm glad he's dead! I'm a little ashamed of that though. Before you start gnashing your teeth and start swearing at me for my lack of patriotism hear me out....
Just about ten years ago the twin towers fell. Footage from around the world showed people celebrating the destruction and death of New York City. We were mourning and the world was happy we were finally taken down a peg. I don't want to be one of them. I don't want to celebrate death of a nation/group/person because I don't want to be so arrogant to think that other people are less human or more deserving of death than I do. What makes me different from Osama in my beliefs that he's wrong.
Yet, Ding Dong Osama's dead! May he rest in pieces.
Just about ten years ago the twin towers fell. Footage from around the world showed people celebrating the destruction and death of New York City. We were mourning and the world was happy we were finally taken down a peg. I don't want to be one of them. I don't want to celebrate death of a nation/group/person because I don't want to be so arrogant to think that other people are less human or more deserving of death than I do. What makes me different from Osama in my beliefs that he's wrong.
Yet, Ding Dong Osama's dead! May he rest in pieces.
Future Dreaming or Nightmare...You tell me...
So, in the dream Hollywood controlled the world, all movies are interactive, instead of eating food we ate the chemicals they are preserved in, AND there is a resistance group to keep some basic moral boundaries in the government. So, nightmare or what?
Don't say reality, because the dream was scary enough.
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