Choices can spawn complete different universes. Think about that for a minute. If everyone on the planet made a choice between paper or plastic at the same time that would create 7.2 billion new worlds just on that stupid choice, seems kind of, I dunno, as far fetched as there being a God in Heaven is to the atheists. Again, I'm not saying science is wrong, just showing me numbers that somehow prove what they can't hand to me and prove seems just far fetched. Now, if you want to say major choices, like marriage or no, children or no, gay or straight, believer or heathen, then I could grasp it. I could see a "stupid choice' world could come into being, like the trash can on your desktop where all your stupid choices and irrelevant choices go to live (In fact there are days that make me feel like I'm living there now). I know, logic denotes linear thinking, mine is more spacey-wacy and timey-wimey for science. And I know I'm going to hear it from the atheists and heathens in my family for this opinion, but it's just; that mine and an opinion.
I know the universe is infinite, but so is God. I know we can postulate about universes and traveling at the speed of light to our hearts content. But if you look at it from a purely proof-driven point of view, if we have multi-universes, multi-worlds prove it. Show it to me. Without the proof it is no more than a heartfelt belief, not so different than ones belief in an omnipotent and benevolent Heavenly Father. So, I put a challenge out there to the anti-God scientists out there: Prove it!
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